Monday, May 25, 2015

Welcome to mah blog!

Greetings, all!
Welcome to this here blog I've created. Unless you randomly happened to type in the exact URL of this blog into your browser on a complete whim, you probably came here from my Twitter page, (where you should totally follow me if you're not already, by the way), and know me personally.
If not, my name's Michael and I like music. I'm also a brony, Game Grumps fanboy, and Reddit addict, but that's all irrelevant. What IS relevant is that I like music. Why? Because this is a blog where I'm going to talk about music; more specifically, 21st-Century music, and the best (and maybe on occasion worst) it has to offer.
Why? Because I love modern music, and I needed a place where I can type out my opinions on it in review form.
There will be Top 10s, reviews of stuff that's currently charting good and bad, reviews of the best songs from the past 15 years, both current and throwback album reviews, and maybe other shit if I feel like it.
Keep one thing in mind: there is no schedule for when these will go up whatsoever. I'll write these whenever I feel like it and post them whenever I can. I could get a whole month where I get a review up every single day followed by a whole month of no content whatsoever. That'll just be the way it is, so please never ask when the next review/top 10/analysis is going up, because I guarantee you the answer will be "I have no fucking clue".
So, yeah, that's all for now. I look forward to being a music blogger, and I'll see you all next time for my first big project on this blog: redos of my Top 10 Best and Worst Hit Songs of 2014 lists.
See you then!

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